2013 Pet of the Year Calendar Contest Winners- Round 3
Congratulations to the winning pets and their owners and thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and supported Newspapers in Education!
Status Winner Prize
Pet of the Year
--- The Pet of the Year will be featured in full color on the cover of the calendar and on the October page. The owner will also receive $200 in gift certificates.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Finalists will appear in full color on one month of the 2012 calendar. Owners will receive a $20 gift certificate.
--- Thirteen runners-up will also appear in full color inside the calendar.

2013 Pet of the Year Calendar Contest

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