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Voting- Round 2
Title:  York County Literacy Council
Description:  York County Literacy Council empowers adults and families with functional literacy skills, in English, that enable them to participate productively in the home, workplace and community.
Title:  York Habitat for Humanity
Description:  A faith-based housing ministry bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope.
Title:  York Chapter of Not One More
Description:  Not One More's main purpose is to educate our families about the hazards of heroin and other drug abuse, so we guide our children to take a path, which is free of devastation, incarceration and death; to help those who may be struggling with addiction, to lift them to a place of recovery and peace. This will only be accomplished by working together with our city leaders, the media, social networking sites, and utilizing all available resources. We can be a role model for others in our country to follow, as we stand united, as a community to say....

Not One More overdose.

Not One More lost spirit.

Not One More grieving heart.
Title:  The Arc of York County
Description:  The Arc of York County is committed to securing for all persons with intellectual and other disabilities, the opportunity to choose where and how they learn, live, work, and play. The Arc envisions a day when our community recognizes the value of people with intellectual disabilities, makes equal opportunities available to them, and supports them in whatever manner is necessary for their full participation.
Title:  Main Street Hanover
Description:  Expanding the economic capacity of downtown Hanover, improving the business environment, enhancing the quality of place, and increasing community synergy.
Title:  Hanover Symphony Orchestra
Description:  Founded in 1995, the Hanover Symphony Orchestra is a non-profit community based symphony orchestra dedicated to fostering the love of music through entertainment, encouragement, and education. We hope to realize our mission through performances which bring together old and young, professional and amateur, audience and artist in an atmosphere filled with the joyous bond of music. Our principles include: - making live orchestral music accessible to our community - encouraging appreciation of the musical arts in our community - providing performance and scholarship opportunities for musicians - promoting music education in our schools.
Title:  Exchange Club of Hanover
Description:  Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live.
Title:  DreamWrights Youth & Family Theatre
Description:  Fostering and inspiring growth, creativity, responsibility and an appreciation for live theatre in people of all ages and cultures through an educational theatre arts program.
Title:  Downtown Inc (York)
Description:  The mission of Downtown Inc is to provide a distinctive experience for living, working and recreation in the downtown district. We provide an environment that is unique in the region by blending the architectural foundation laid nearly 300 years ago with modern urban living, entertainment and business-friendly atmosphere.
Title:  Byrnes Health Education Center
Description:  The mission statement of the Byrnes Health Education Center is to educate and inspire people of all ages to make healthy choices.
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Vote to Give 2015

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